Tag: Garbage

Addressing Neighborhood Concerns: “Garbage Juice” from Trucks Staining Streets

A concerning issue has been brewing. Denise Williams, a resident of this neighborhood, has been dealing with what she calls “garbage juice” staining the streets in her community. She reached out to the city for assistance, but the problem persists. Let’s delve into this neighb...

macOS is Hot Garbage

It’s 2022. Apple has been releasing graphical operating systems since 1984 and in 38 years they haven’t learned enough to make a great OS. In this post I’ll show you everything misleading, awkward, or just plain broken about macOS. OK, probably not everything. Finder is Dogshit ...

Congratulations, You’re a Garbage Man

Ten out-of-shape men fall into line. Their bellies hang over their belts. Their faces never knew a razor. Before them, the General of garbage paces back and forth with an agitated look on his face. He has a profound sense of disgust — for humanity, for trash, and especially for you. ...

Marco Polo and the Coffee Lid. Or how your garbage travels more than you.

That lid is going to have a busy day, believe me. In fact, in its lifespan — which lasts about 1,000 years — it will experience many things. Perhaps it will witness climate change, flying vehicles, the first human settlements on the Moon, and perpetual ceasefire in the Middle East. Or ma...

From Gadgets to Garbage: Navigating the Ecological Fallout of E-Waste(Part-04)

The modular design is the first option for the disassembly and recycling design. The concept is to incorporate modular design concepts, which will make it simple to disassemble electronic gadgets into their separate components with ease. Consequently, this makes the process of recycling more stra...