Tag: Fiasco

My Take On The “Unity” Fiasco

Not so much with Unity, but with how so many of these systems made it simple for non-programmers to be suckered into THINKING they could be game developers. Why else do you REALLY think all these Unity and Unreal Engine games are buggy unreliable messes? That the quality of AAA g...

Fortuna’s Cattle Contract Fiasco

A neighboring farm, operated by a man named Harper, is interested in purchasing a portion of Fortuna’s herd. The two parties agree to a sale, and a written contract is drafted detailing the number of cattle, the quality and health specifications, the price, and the delivery date. According ...

My move from the USA to Canada started with an unexpected airport fiasco

Our family (me, my husband, and my now 9-year-old son) became Permanent Residents of Canada in June 2018. My husband and I were working in the USA on a work visa for over a decade. We knew we wanted to move to Canada, but we were not quite sure how things would unfold. Then, I got pregnant. ...