Facing the Unknown

<p>Lately<br /> you&rsquo;ve been trying to tell time<br /> by reading a clock<br /> you can&rsquo;t see<br /> but you feel its presence<br /> weaving itself<br /> into your heart<br /> beats</p> <p>A pounding<br /> pulsating<br /> echo chamber<br /> that takes<br /> seconds<br /> to combust<br /> every minute and hour<br /> into rusty dreams<br /> of man-made<br /> ticking machines</p> <p>You can now hear<br /> everything you touch<br /> the sounds splinter<br /> and clash<br /> into one<br /> spinning<br /> form<br /> of familiar</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/scuzzbucket/facing-the-unknown-4903b9da80e6">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Unknown Facing