Tag: Unknown

Facing the Unknown

Lately you’ve been trying to tell time by reading a clock you can’t see but you feel its presence weaving itself into your heart beats A pounding pulsating echo chamber that takes seconds to combust every minute and hour into rusty dreams of man-made ticking machines ...

Birth Certificates in Dubai for Unknown Fathers

Babies, who are born to unknown fathers, in Dubai, may be given a name chosen by the Court. And not the name, chosen by the mother, and indicated in the Birth Notification, which is issued at the hospital. The practice of the Court naming the child is based on the Dubai Personal Status Guide. ...

Computer Vision 3D: Into the Unknown Dimension

Computer vision aims to provide computers with a form of sight similar to human vision. Many projects in this field focus on extracting 2D information from images, such as identifying objects or determining human poses. However, our perception of the world is not in pixels but in meters (or fee...

Five Weird (And Relatively Unknown) Facts About the Nazis

The Nazis are at the top of the pyramid when it comes to history’s most notorious villains. Given the horrific crimes they committed — including the murder of six million Jews — their reputation is more than justified. For those with an interest in history, the Nazis are a sourc...