Tag: Facing

Facing the Unknown

Lately you’ve been trying to tell time by reading a clock you can’t see but you feel its presence weaving itself into your heart beats A pounding pulsating echo chamber that takes seconds to combust every minute and hour into rusty dreams of man-made ticking machines ...

Facing The Voters

As my wife and I pulled into the parking lot of Birmingham Charter High School, we were impressed by the number of cars already present. It was a Saturday night on the first day of Thanksgiving break and spots were already scarce. Civil engagement may not be dead after all. It turned out mos...

Facing The Reality

On Oct 11, Ha’aretz reports, a group of Israeli rioters affiliated with La Familia, a racist Israeli soccer club, stormed a hospital after hearing (baseless) rumors that it was treating terrorists injured on Oct 7. They roamed the corridors spitting on people and shouting ‘Death to ...

White Folks Facing Race: Reactions and Responses

I have been trying to write about what has been unfolding in the Middle East for a month. I have drafted and edited and asked friends for feedback and edited some more. And during this process, most of you have heard nothing but silence from me, and for that, I apologize. I condemn antisemitism, Isl...

Asian Americans Are Still Facing Racism

After the COVID scare started and certain politicians blamed China and basically Asian people, American citizens and immigrants of Asian heritage experienced an increase of racism in the United States. There were numerous cases of racist rants against them, but there were also assaults that caused b...

Facing the Pain of the Holidays in Middle Age

Ilove this time of year perhaps more than any other. And I also hate it more than I can describe. What an odd and uncomfortable combination of feelings this time span brings to my heart. Often the things we love about this season are the very things that bring us stress and feelings of dread. And...