Tag: Dread

Ditching the Dread: Why Eliminating Performance Reviews Can Benefit Companies and Employees

I believe it’s time for companies to say goodbye to annual performance reviews for individuals. What a strong statement! So, let me share my thoughts and opinions — Disclaimer: not of my employer’s :) — on why companies should eliminate performance reviews for individual c...

Befriend your Dread Buddy

I used to have a problem with a thought gremlin I call Dread Buddy. This little monster would visit me in the hours before an important meeting and wreak all sorts of havoc on my day. “Oh look who showed up 3 hours early to my weekly meeting, it’s Dread Buddy!” Pa...

The Reality of Being a Glass Half Full When You’re Full of Dread

1. Glass Half Full People say it’s better to be positive so the obliging glass takes their advice. Whistling a happy tune as it goes about its various glass-related tasks, it tries to see the good in all negative aspects of its life. Images by author 2. Glass Half Empty Unfortunate...

September 3rd- Dread Delusion

In most of my time with Elder Scrolls games, I think that the beginning hours of them have always been the strongest. I have very positive memories of the first 20 hours of Skyrim. No understanding of the grander narrative, no understanding of the grimy hamster-wheel progression system, and none of ...

Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine Page 20: Puzzles, Survival, and Existential Dread

Well this was definitely a page that came in much hotter than I expected. With a brutal 24/6 spread, video games absolutely ran rampant on this page. The only page to have more video games on a single page was back on page 2 with 25. Duplicates are back though, so huzzah! They were all ...