The Quest to Find an Endangered Fern

<p><em>I see Hunter wave his arms in the air and shout, &ldquo;I found it!&rdquo; Leah and I carefully traverse the slick, steep, rocky slope to join him. A perfect, tiny fern pokes through the grass at the base of a cliff. We grin at one another as it dawns on us: We&rsquo;ve found the missing population. We are three of five people to have been here, standing with these ferns at the edge of the Aleutian Chain.</em></p> <p><img alt="A clump of Aleutian shield fern." src="*vjF71Ny8K3sgHhvy8t0HEA.jpeg" style="height:600px; width:700px" /></p> <p>The Aleutian Shield Fern. &nbsp;Sabrina Farmer, USFWS</p> <p>Adak Island is unique. The grasses sparkle and glisten in the wind. The mountains loom large, steeply climbing out of the ocean. Islands in the offing float atop the horizon line.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>