Tag: Endangered

How the Global Push for Protected Areas Can Benefit the Oceans’ Most Endangered Species

With global marine conservation efforts focusing on turning the promise of “30x30” — protecting 30 percent of both marine and terrestrial areas by 2030 — into reality, how do we ensure that new area-based protections work for the species that are closest to extinction? A r...

The Quest to Find an Endangered Fern

I see Hunter wave his arms in the air and shout, “I found it!” Leah and I carefully traverse the slick, steep, rocky slope to join him. A perfect, tiny fern pokes through the grass at the base of a cliff. We grin at one another as it dawns on us: We’ve found the missing population....

10 of the Best Organizations to Follow That Help Endangered Animals

Who are they: The International Rhino Fund have been funding and operating rhino conservation programs for the last 25 years to ensure the survival of rhinos. Their major operations are in Africa and Asia, where most of the rhino species live. They have their horns in to stop poachers! ...

What Landowners Need to Know as We Celebrate 50 Years of the Endangered Species Act

At the heart of the Endangered Species Act is a safety net for our nation’s wildlife, fish and plants on the brink of extinction. The Act protects thousands of endangered species and millions of acres of habitat. Too often we read about species-related crises and conflict, while success storie...

Endangered Species

Beneath wraps of understanding In places far away beneath the trees Buried deep down under the foliage Where there’s no visitation from the breeze. And under the sparkling blue ocean In secret coral caves and hideaways In between the feathers of the heather On endless fields covered i...

10 Most Endangered Species in 2024

Our planet is a home to an immense variety of life, each species playing a unique role in the ecological balance. However, several species are at the brink of extinction due to various human-induced and natural factors. In this article, we delve into the ten most endangered species as of 2024, shedd...

Endangered and Displaced: The Struggle for Survival of Pennsylvania’s Short-Eared Owls

Pennsylvania’s grasslands, wetlands, expansive old fields have been the cradle of a diverse array of bird species. Among these feathered inhabitants, the short-eared owl, Asio flammeus, holds a particularly precarious position. Endangered within the state, yet under federal protection as ...

Endangered Traditions

“Where do you want me to put these?” I asked my elderly aunt as I brought a set of old boxes from her loft down to her living room. They contained the ornamental items you see in my photo above. They looked new, but they were all purchased over 20 years ago soon after the birth of my cou...