Tag: earliest

The fate of a Chosen, and the two earliest Manhunters make their presence felt

One of the key problems of the Millennium event as a whole was that so much of the story was told outside of the main book. Blue Beetle #20 is the first book to give a major plot beat that arguably should have played out in the main book. Instead, it went the other way around wit...

What Are the Earliest Mentions of Israel Outside The Bible?

On16 December 1896, Egyptologist Flinders Petrie stumbled upon an unimpressive temple in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. The crumbling sandstone sphinxes and the looted remains saddened him. Petrie was about to move on. But then he discovered a ten-foot-long, five-foot-wide blac...

Were our earliest ancestors who came out of Africa physically like today’s black Africans?

The first humans to come out of ( eastern ) Africa most likely resembled modern San populations, rather than the present-day Sub-Saharan Balck African-type populations. Until the first centuries of the Christian era, typical populations with Black African features lived in a relatively small ...

6 Earliest Civilizations ?

The first cities emerged around 4000 BCE in Mesopotamia(modern Iraq) and Egypt. The great rivers of these areas made the land fertile and prosperous, providing enough food to support larger communities of people living together. The rulers of some of these early cities became wealthy and p...