Tag: Dummies

Bitcoin for Dummies

Brief: What are Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. How Felipe Neto buys bread. What are the main cryptocurrencies and what are they for and why the bad guys love them. What DREX will be like: Real Digital. You pissed off hearing about this whole Cryptocurrency thing, but you’ve got...

Generative AI for dummies(1/3)

What exactly is a Language Model Technology (LLM)? How does GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) fit into the LLM landscape? What’s the backstory of LLMs? How did we get here? What are the key components that make up the architecture of LLMs? Are there different flavors of LLMs, and ...

Freeway Driving For Dummies

Recently, I had a flat tire on the 405 Freeway. I pulled to the right shoulder and called Auto Club. I was told there was a 2-hour delay and I was advised to wait in the car. I decided against this. Even though it was raining, I exited the car and leaned against the freeway wall while commuters sped...

Vedas For Dummies — Introduction

This blog post is first in the series “Vedas For Dummies”. Veda means ‘knowledge’. According to contemporary notion, there are four Vedas namely Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. However, accounting to the Buddhist tests and the Manusmriti (law co...

Vedas For Dummies — Structure

This blog post is second in the series “Vedas For Dummies” describing the structure of the Vedas. Before reading this post get an overview of the Vedas by reading my earlier post: Vedas For Dummies — Introduction There is a multi-layered structure to the Vedas. I start with...

Quantum for Dummies (part 30)

As the quantum theory took shape, it morphed into a realm that seemed increasingly peculiar. The Schrödinger equation suggested that particles could behave like waves, and quantum entities could exist in superposition. Heisenberg introduced his uncertainty principle. But what did it all mean? ...