Tag: Legislation

COP28 Creates Milestone Legislation On Its First Day

The past year has shown just how devastating even a tiny bit of climate change can be. However, over the next few decades, global warming is set to ramp up dramatically and send the entire world into turmoil. Yet, it won’t be the rich nations who are responsible for this planetary destruction ...

A roadmap to inclusive leadership: disability legislation (key no2)

Hello again! We’re back for week number 2 of our series on the keys to inclusive leadership. Remember the inclusive leadership handout we shared a while back? Today, we’re rolling up our sleeves to dig into the “disability legislation” key. More than just legal jarg...

Finally, Legislation Designed to Help Single Adults with No Children

Something unusual and quite good happened when President Biden signed the Covid relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, into law on March 11, 2021. The needs of a group of Americans who are typically ignored, single adults with no children, were recognized and addressed. Maybe you haven&rsquo...

Recent Legislation Shows How Far Republicans Have Strayed

There was a time in America when Republicans actually supported policies that benefitted average American people, like the ones above. Yes, the above list was the Republican party platform — in 1956. Today, though, we would ascribe those exact positions to Democrats. Yet there ar...