Tag: Artworks

Blurring Identities: A Series of Digital Artworks

Reality has always been a perception. A perception of things experienced through our senses that we comprehend as our now, our life, our reality. But what happens when these perceptions are challenged in varied environments or ecosystems with continuously changing dimensions? The two-dimensional ...

Typologies of Delusion: Generative AI Artworks at the RemixFest

I’m happy to introduce the first publication of my research “Typologies of Delusion”, where I delve into the possibilities of generative AI and the reuse of historical archives. As part of this project, I created two artworks and a series of prototypes, which were presented at the ...

The Future of Museum Experiences: Interactive Artworks

You step into a museum today, and you might find yourself transported back in time — not by the exhibits, but by the current visitor experience. Museum relics of the past are struggling to captivate the modern audience. Let’s ponder the state of museum experiences: static displays f...