Tag: Detect

3 Types of Seasonality and How to Detect Them

Analyzing and dealing with seasonality is a key exercise in time series analysis. In this article, we’ll describe three types of seasonality and how to detect them. What is seasonality? Seasonality is one of the key components that make up a time series. Seasonality refers to systemat...

3 Types of Seasonality and How to Detect Them

Analyzing and dealing with seasonality is a key exercise in time series analysis. In this article, we’ll describe three types of seasonality and how to detect them. What is seasonality? Seasonality is one of the key components that make up a time series. Seasonality refers to systemat...

3 Types of Seasonality and How to Detect Them

Analyzing and dealing with seasonality is a key exercise in time series analysis. In this article, we’ll describe three types of seasonality and how to detect them. What is seasonality? Seasonality is one of the key components that make up a time series. Seasonality refers to systemat...

Using AI To Detect AI

The AI camp has a traitor in its midst. Not long ago, it was not possible to prove with any degree of certainty if a piece of work was AI-generated. That has changed. The turncoat’s name is Originality AI Trained as any other AI is trained but with a difference. Its sole occupation is ...

6 Ways A Black Person Can Tell A White Person Isn’t Racist

Black people can detect racists from a mile off. It’s the way they look at us — it’s often a look of disgust, deep hatred, or fear, and it shows. The minute we approach you, we can feel it — call it our sixth sense or survival instinct. Because we can feel that racism, we ...

Ask Ethan: Could SETI detect an Earth-like civilization?

Someday, if nature is kind to us, we’ll make the grandest discovery of all: that we aren’t alone in the Universe. While various observatories and space missions might someday soon find life on other worlds, our ultimate ambition is even grander: to find another intelligent, technological...

A Step-by-Step Guide To Accurately Detect Peaks and Valleys.

Our human brain is excellent in peak detection in relation to its context. What seems an easy task by eye can be a challenging task to automate by machines. In general, peaks and valleys indicate (significant) events such as sudden increases or decreases in price/volume, or sharp rises in demand. On...

How to Detect Data Drift with Hypothesis Testing

Data drift is a concern to anyone with a machine learning model serving live predictions. The world changes, and as the consumers’ tastes or demographics shift, the model starts receiving feature values different from what it has seen in training, which may result in unexpected outputs. Detect...