Tag: Demystifying

Demystifying AWS Lambda Invocation Types

In the realm of serverless computing, AWS Lambda has emerged as a cornerstone technology. Its ability to run code without the hassle of setting up and managing servers has transformed the way we develop applications. However, like any powerful tool, understanding its nuances is crucial. In this arti...

Demystifying Load Balancing: Simple Methods Explained for Beginners

Load balancing can be a tricky concept, but fear not — this article is your beginner’s guide to understanding it all. Imagine friends helping out with different tasks, or choosing the fastest road to your destination. That’s what load balancers do for computer systems. In this arti...

Demystifying Support Vector Machines (SVM): A Beginner’s Guide to Expert Understanding

Beginner: Hey there! I’ve been hearing a lot about Support Vector Machines lately, but honestly, I have no clue what they are. Can you break it down for me? Expert: Yeah Sure! In machine learning, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are supervised learning models with associated learni...

Demystifying Dependency Management in Android Development

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to set up a project from scratch and felt lost when it came to organizing dependencies? And what about having a project with multiple modules and needing to define the necessary dependencies for each one of them? The confusion just keeps grow...

Demystifying Volatility: A Brief Dive into Predicting Market Movements

As you know, I wrote a series about time series before, after these articles, I wanted to give an idea about how we can keep ourselves in a safe area in potentially risky situations with portfolio analysis. I wanted to tell you how we can guess in Python. If you want to access previous articles, ...

Demystifying the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Process — Part II

As outlined in Part I, in this series we adopt a hybrid approach to data exploration. In the previous article, we saw how we could leverage SQL for preliminary data analysis. In this section, we delve into Python to continue our analysis with data visualization. I’d like to emphasize o...

Demystifying JSX: building your own JSX parser from scratch

While it’s not a web standard and Web Components are somewhat trying to replace it, JSX is an amazing technology that came with React to simplify the way we write HTML and JavaScript together. But how does it work exactly? I mean, yes, we can return JSX from a React component, but we all kn...

Demystifying Routing: Creating Your Own file-path-based Router

One trend that most JavaScript frameworks are adopting is to provide path-based routing. This means that there is a 1:1 relationship between whatever URL you want to visit and a special folder within your project, containing the route handler functions. That is to say, if you visit http://&l...

Demystifying Python Context Managers: A Comprehensive Guide

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language known for its readability and ease of use. One of its lesser-known yet extremely useful features is context managers. Context managers provide a way to manage resources, such as files, database connections, and network sockets, in a clean and e...

First Step in Demystifying the Support Vector Machine (SVM): Learning and Implementing the Maximal Margin Classifier (MMC)

Suppose we have a binary classification problem and presumably the data is linearly separable, we can define an infinite number of hyperplanes that distinctively separates them. But, how do we pick the optimal hyperplane? A peregrine falcon resting on top a tree branch. Photo by Delaney ...

Demystifying Generative Art

1. Definitions (Those already familiar with Long Form Generative art may want to skip to chapter 2) What is generative art Strictly speaking the term Generative art refers to art created by utilizing the influence of an autonomous system. Typically this is a non-human system which will d...

Demystifying the Metaverse: The Future of Digital Connection

In the realm of the Metaverse, we each have our own unique vision, our ‘Aysverse,’ where we live out digital dreams. (So ‘Aysverse’ mine is {Ayse + verse}. Yours is special for you too ) What’s your dream in this digital frontier?  Today, I’d like to addre...

Demystifying Sed, Awk and Find Commands

In this article, we are going to look into the powerful commands for text processing and file manipulation with detailed syntax explanations to have a better understanding of the concept. Without further ado let’s dive in and look at the commands sed, awk, find SED Command...

Demystifying Bicycle Theft Cases In Toronto: Which Neighborhoods Should Get More Attention?

This study aims to figure out which neighborhoods in Toronto should get attention in terms of bicycle thefts, based on the list of reported bicycle theft cases published by the Toronto Police Service from 2014–2020. This study suggests that the Toronto Police Service should pay attention to 10...

Zoomposium with Prof. Dr. Arieh Ben-Naim: “Demystifying entropy”

In this context, he has also worked intensively on the question of the nature and underlying principle of the phenomenon of “#entropy”, which he has published in numerous popular science books that are often quoted but also controversially discussed. The basic tenor of all his pu...

Zoomposium with Prof. Dr. Arieh Ben-Naim: “Demystifying entropy”

In another installment of our “Zoomposium series” on the topic of “Physics and its limits”, my colleague Axel Stöcker from the “Blog of Big Questions” and I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with the renowned Israeli physical chemist Prof. Dr. ...

Demystifying Bayesian Model Fitting in Deep Learning

Introduction to Bayesian Inference Bayesian inference serves as the theoretical backbone of Bayesian Model Fitting, grounded in the concept of updating our beliefs in the light of new evidence. Central to this process is the prior distribution, p(θ∣H), which encapsulates our initial ...