Tag: Exhausted

Exhausted by Conservatives

As a political science instructor, I am familiar with the conservative doctrine going all the way back to the election of 1964. Early on I understood and respected the position of a strong national defense (though I disagreed with that ideal starting with the Vietnam Wat, and later with our involvem...

Exhausted by Conservatism

As a political science teacher for forty years, I am well aware of the historical platforms of the GOP beginning with my first awareness in the election of 1964. These was thread of opposition to the federal government, except for the military. There was the red scare fear of everything Soviet or Ch...

The Exhausted Activist

organizing spaces don’t stay and rarely contribute to the programming of them. I get it…it is exhausting to be patient enough to politically educate other people, even when they are open to it. It took me 10 years to understand all of it via immersion, when I wasn’t taught social ...