Tag: Genuine

The Covert Control Tactic We Mistake for Genuine Growth

How’s your relationship with past versions of yourself? Do you like who you are now better than who you used to be? Are you smarter, healthier, or more spiritually attuned? Our former selves can function like self-development collateral damage. Especially if you feel more self-awar...

Nurturing Genuine Connections in a Changing World

Peering through the window, I watch as my eldest, now a teenager, helps her younger brother of 6 navigate the new challenge of learning to ride. a bike. With each wobble, she’s there, steadying him and offering words of encouragement. It’s a heartwarming scene that speaks to the bond ...

A ‘Bad Christian’s’ Guide to a Genuine Faith

When looking for ideas for my list, I turned to Google (where else does one look?) for inspiration. I typed into the search bar: “New Year’s Resolutions for Christians.” This was a bad idea. The problem is that the shadow of my former life as an evangelical Christian still li...

When Your Kid Doesn’t Look Like You

When she was about 5, I had someone I worked with ask me, “What is it like having a child that doesn’t look like you?” Completely genuine and curious was the questioner. I didn’t know how to answer. I know she looks more like her father then she looks like me, which as she ha...

What is the Difference between PU Leather and Genuine Leather?

Leather is a flexible material often extracted from animal skin, hides, or synthetics. The unique characteristics of leather signal the flexibility, strength, malleability, softness, and natural pattern on its surface. When differentiating PU leather and Genuine leather, they differ, especially in t...

Unlocking Cellular Renewal: A Comprehensive Review of Spermidine Genuine Purity

At the heart of Spermidine Genuine Purity lies, of course, spermidine, derived from natural sources such as wheat germ. This compound is complemented by a selection of vitamins and minerals, each chosen for its potential to support cellular health. The absence of unnecessary additives and preservati...