Tag: Appropriation

Why (Some) Asian-Americans Hate Cultural Appropriation

adoption of the cultural practices of one people by members of another, usually, more dominant people. Though the term has existed since the 1940s it remained relatively obscure until the late 2000s when it slowly began to gain mainstream attention alongside several other progressive concepts such a...

Cultural Appropriation: What It Is, and What It Isn’t.

It is not just any time you fuse different styles of art together from different origins. Fusion can be done respectfully and with understanding and humility. (I think about this a lot! Almost every form of art I practice is fusion.) It can also be done in ways that make marginalized folks feel g...

Is it decolonial? Or is it colonial appropriation of indigeneity?

Several hundred years after the project first began in earnest, European colonisation of all human cultures continues to be highly successful in bringing about total and complete ethnocide, such that only One World remains: modern Western civilisation’s white supremacy culture. Today it is ...


Exhibition of non-Western objects as art in Western museums is problematic, because it objectifies, instrumentalizes and appropriates non-Western objects. Purposes and the ways in which non-Western objects have been displayed change over time. In the pre-modern period, non-Western objects were colle...