The Sacking of Claudine Gay

<p>First of all, I wish Dr. Claudine Gay well as she exits Harvard University. Her resignation yesterday left me with little thoughts other than fuck all of it. I wanted her to stay and see the issue all the way through to the end. But it was not to be.</p> <p>So 1&ndash;2&ndash;3&hellip; fuck Harvard, and most of all, fuck the right-wing/MAGA dogs.</p> <p>Second, I am not here to defend Dr. Gay for alleged plagiarism. I know a lot about that topic though I won&rsquo;t bother to go into it. Plagiarism is usually handled quietly on college campuses. But this is America; anything and anyone can become quickly a tool to advance political agendas. She is the latest.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Claudine Gays