Tag: Gays

The Unspoken: What the Gay Community Won’t Tell You

Oh, social media, you double-edged sword! On one hand, it’s a platform for self-expression and connection. On the other, it’s like a 24/7 highlight reel of everyone else’s ‘perfect’ lives. It’s hard not to feel a tad inadequate when you’re scrolling through ...

Gay Couples in the Bible

We always hear from Christians about how homosexuality is a sin, and they like to cite one of six verses to make that claim. Each of those verses has been twisted from their original languages and used for ulterior motives, as I have detailed in another piece I wrote that I’ll link at the bott...

The Sacking of Claudine Gay

First of all, I wish Dr. Claudine Gay well as she exits Harvard University. Her resignation yesterday left me with little thoughts other than fuck all of it. I wanted her to stay and see the issue all the way through to the end. But it was not to be. So 1–2–3… fuck Harvard, and...

Dr. Claudine Gay, Ms. JaMaiya Miller, and the Plantation Ethos of the United States

Two Black women walked through a door. If that sentence sounds like a setup, it is. But it’s not a setup for a joke, nor is it the beginning of a “once upon a time” fable. It’s the prologue to the vicious and toxic reality of right now. Claudine Gay, the former president of H...