Tag: Claudine

Putting the Racist Crusade against Harvard’s Dr. Claudine Gay in Context

This has been a terrible week in the history of Harvard University and the nation. After enduring a racist crusade by rightwing activists, donors, and “academics,” Dr. Claudine Gay, the first Black woman to lead Harvard in its 387-year history, resigned in the face of charges that she di...

The Sacking of Claudine Gay

First of all, I wish Dr. Claudine Gay well as she exits Harvard University. Her resignation yesterday left me with little thoughts other than fuck all of it. I wanted her to stay and see the issue all the way through to the end. But it was not to be. So 1–2–3… fuck Harvard, and...

Claudine Gay and the Phenomenon of Fraud in Academia

July 2023. Claudine Gay becomes the first Black president of Harvard University. She is only the second woman to be named Harvard’s president. Just in case you aren’t familiar with the Claudine Gay drama that made the news recently, here is a very quick recap. On December...