Tag: Trick

Python: Probably More than 90% of Coders are Missing This Easy Trick

If you are already familiar with online interviews and coding practice websites, you would for sure, love this easy Python feature. Read this completely for a better understanding! For example, I ask you to print a list of values. You would do that using a for loo...

Prompt Engineering — How to trick AI into solving your problems

This is the fourth article in a series on using large language models (LLMs) in practice. Here, I will discuss prompt engineering (PE) and how to use it to build LLM-enabled applications. I start by reviewing key PE techniques and then walk through Python example code of using LangChain to...

How Our Brains Trick Us

If I told you that we all are living in some kind of delusion to differing degrees at any one point in time, would you believe me? The reality is, each one of us lives in the world of our mind and its perceptions of our personal histories, situations and events; this narrative we build in our min...

Bypass Windows 10 User Group Policy (and more) with this One Weird Trick

I‘m going to share an (ab)use of a Windows feature which can result in bypassing User Group Policy (as well as a few other interesting things). Bypassing User Group Policy is not the end of the world, but it’s also not something that should be allowed and depending on User Group Policy s...

I Tried This Weird Trick and Now I’m Making $2,000 a Day From My Phone

The other morning I woke up to a bunch of notifications on my phone telling me how much money I had made overnight. I couldn't believe it. Thousands of people are using this simple method to earn income passively. I was able to make over $2,000 per day just by following some surprisingly straigh...

Make $700+ With This One Simple Trick!

You're just trying to pay your bills, feed your cat, and keep the lights on. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so, according to the Powers That Be. They'd rather you slave away at your 9-to-5, counting the minutes until the sweet release of the weekend while your soul slowly dies. Bu...

The Identity Trick, plus Ten Jewish Heroes

Identitarians on the right and left love the identity trick: the easiest and most despicable way to deflect criticism is to claim it comes from hate for who you are instead of what you do. The trick works more than it should because sometimes it’s true to a degree, though never to the degree t...

The Kernel Trick in Support Vector Classification

The kernel trick seems to be one of the most confusing concepts in statistics and machine learning; it first appears to be genuine mathematical sorcery, not to mention the problem of lexical ambiguity (does kernel refer to: a non-parametric way to estimate a probability density (statistics), the set...