Tag: stations

25 lovely train stations in Berlin

What is the world’s most impressive metro? Many people would name the other-worldly Stockholm underground. My Ukrainian friends, of course, will recommend Kyiv: its pompous socialist modernist stations feature folk motifs and vaulted vestibules. Berlin doesn’t top such ratings but still ...

Usage patterns of Dublin Bikes stations

I’ve been a long time user of Dublin Bikes since I came here over 5 years ago, and like many other users I have a mental model for of which stations are busy or quiet at various times of the day. My closest station is Portobello and I’ve found that bikes can be fairly hard to come by dur...

Why are major stations in Japan cleaner than ones in Melbourne despite having 10 times more passengers?

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit Japan. I was impressed by the efficiency and cleanliness of their public transportation, especially the trains. Even the delays were planned and on time. This made me think about why our trains and stations in Melbourne are not as clean, despite hav...

From the Conservation Lab: Treating Bruce Onobrakpeya’s “Fourteen Stations of the Cross”

Curatorial Research Associate Kyle Mancuso talks with paper conservator Snow Fain about Bruce Onobrakpeya’s print series. Fig. 1: Conservator Snow Fain at work on removing the Fourteen Stations of the Cross prints from their polyester casings. This past spring, the High ope...