Tag: Mine

Neglecting Legacy Code? It’s a Potential Gold Mine of Learning

You’re about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop: The Legacy Code. For those who didn’t recognize it, or didn’t watch the show, this is (altered) intro to The Twilight Zone epi...

Pi Network: Mine Pi Coins Easily in 2023 — The Easiest Crypto Currency

https://medium.com/@arijit.ray81/pi-network-mine-pi-coins-easily-in-2023-the-easiest-crypto-currency-bc9a6ac5521dI am not into Cryptocurrency but there is one that I have been waiting to talk about for a while. One of my friends introduced me to it and I find the idea fascinating. I feel it has prom...

Being Mindful, the Simple Joys in Life - and, a Poem of Mine Thrown in Too

Hello there you. How are you feeling today? Good, bad, mediocore or just plain old meh? Do you practice mindfulness? I know it’s a term that’s thrown about and feels like a feckin broken record these days. However. It’s a practice that helps me whenever I feel stress...

Why Employee Turnover Should be a Key Metric for the Social Sector — Our Collective Canary in the Coal Mine

If you want a heartwarming movie to watch in these final days of summer, I highly recommend “The 33,” which is a real-life account of a mining disaster in Chile in 2010. Stories above and below ground intertwine to make the movie compelling and relatable. Ultimately, all 33 miners were s...

Sara Pajunen’s “Mine Songs”: An Artistic Reflection on the Dichotomy and Transformation of the Iron Range

In the heart of Minnesota, the Iron Range stretches, a testament to the dichotomy of human artifice and nature. It is a place where the raw beauty of the wilderness meets the relentless pursuit of industry, a place where the silent whisper of the wind through the pines is punctuated by the distant e...

The Amazon Rainforest Is No Man’s Gold Mine

I’ve never been particularly fond of gold. I’ve always had a preference for silver, both to wear and to work with. During my time in college learning the arts of metalworking, I relished every chance to work with sterling. Reticulating silver makes a beautiful texture. Gold ...

Firearms are no longer a hobby of mine

The task was fairly simple. I explained I had guns I wanted to get rid of at the front desk. They made a copy of my driver’s license and then walked out to my car with me to retrieve them. We went into the station to an interview room where we looked at the guns and they wrote down the serial ...