Tag: monitoring

Set and Don’t Forget

It’s no longer rare to see machine learning (ML) models being used to support a variety of business decisions, from whether a medical claim should be paid or sent to the fraud investigation team, to what route will be more efficient for a delivery truck or what discount should be offered to a ...

Model monitoring with Evidently.AI

You might have wondering what is Data monitoring? For what purpose we use it and if it is so important then what are the tools using which we can handle data monitoring. Data monitoring refers to the process of continuously observing, tracking, and analyzing data in real-time or on a regular basi...

Dependency-Free Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring

The go-to platform for deploying applications is now Kubernetes. For one, its clusters may include hundreds of resources like pods and deployments, and it is made up of several components and user-defined operators. The variety of services, applications, and networks encapsulated in the resources...

Kubewatch: A Kubernetes Watcher for Observability and Monitoring

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that automates many of the tasks involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. However, Kubernetes can be complex, and it can be difficult to keep track of all the changes that are happening in your cluster. This ...

Automating an E-Commerce Platform Deployment and Monitoring on AWS

Hello there! As I continue my journey to master DevOps practices, I am excited to share my insights gained from tackling this substantial project. In this comprehensive blog series, using a variety of technologies we’ll explore the process of creating and automating an e-commerce platform t...

File Integrity Monitoring with Auditd

FIM ? PCI DSS ? File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is a security process that involves the regular monitoring and detection of changes in files, including system files, configurations, and content files. It is crucial in ensuring that files have not been tampered with, corrupted, or otherwise alt...

Mapping and monitoring the world’s most important places for biodiversity

As the world finalises negotiations over a new Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15, there is a general consensus to aim for protecting or conserving up to 30% of the planet by 2030. The aim of achieving this percentage is to halt biodiversity loss and start to recover areas for conservation. H...

Listening to the Giants: Protecting Forest Elephants Through Audio Monitoring

In the dense rainforests of Central Africa, a captivating endeavor is underway, driven by researchers from Cornell University. Their mission? To track and protect elephants through the power of audio monitoring. These majestic creatures emit resounding rumbles at an incredibly low frequency, nearly ...

Syn Bio — p.18: Biosensors and Reporter Genes (Design and Use of Plasmids for Biosensing and Monitoring Gene Expression)

This article discusses the relationship between biosensors and reporter genes in the context of plasmid design for both biosensing and monitoring gene expression. The theoretical and practical aspects of this synergy are highlighted, discussing the different types of biosensors and reporter genes, t...