The FOREST Series: OroraTech Goes To Glasgow

Now that we finished our development on the FOREST payload and successfully passed the internal Flight Readiness Review, it was time to assemble our camera system into a CubeSat that will be launched into the vast nothingness of space. Our development team carefully packed up FOREST and we headed to...

How to build a borough: Waltham Forest (1/3)

In 2014, the Chief Executive of the London Borough of Waltham Forest said something as strange as it was surprising for a man in his position: “there is no actual place called Waltham Forest”. He was, of course, talking figuratively. He was explaining how, for many residents, the...

Forest Park: Kennedy Forest Hike

Take a walk deep in the woods crossing streams and through prairie grass in Forest Park at Kennedy Forest. Dedicated in 1964, John F. Kennedy Memorial Forest consists of more than 60 acres of mature forested habitat and was the first area in Forest Park to be set aside for environmental conservat...

Missing the forest for the trees

The ISFR reports present lots of stats, but in this thread, I focus on the headline statistic: trends in India’s total forest cover over time. So, let’s go… here, in one graph, is a 35-year summary of the official line on India’s forest cover: from 1999, it has been nonst...

Stairs In The Forest With No End in Sight

Tales of terrifying events such as missing the boy group, stairs haunting the town, stairs catching wildfire, wandering babies stalking at night, and dazzling lights near the&nbsp...

A Q&A with Forest First Colombia CEO Tobey Russ and CFO Jonathan Dodd on climate change mitigation and sustainable forestry in Colombia

The Vichada region of Colombia is a sparsely populated grassland that lacked infrastructure for a meaningful forestry sector, but that hasn’t stopped Forest First Colombia S.A.S., with support from DFC, from building a sustainable plantation the size of the city of Denver — with critical...

Uganda’s Impenetrable Forest

There is something unique about photography that sets it apart from most other art forms. Most art, whether it’s a painting, a film or a music composition, is often created over a period of time. Photography though, in its simplest form, takes place in a fraction of a second. Months of plannin...

Animals in my Forest

A flock of wild turkeys. The first time I saw the flock of wild turkeys on a walk (both them and me), I wondered if they were owned by one of my neighbors but had got out of their cage. My suburbanity showing. But no, we’ve got a couple dozen wild turkeys around. Most often I see a whole bunch...

Forest Folk: A Life Among the Creatures of the Woods

The last house I lived at was right in the middle of the forest. Nothing around by wildlife and trees. This is where I took my one photo of the sunset through the trees. Picture of sunset through the forest in my backyard. Picture taken by me. When I lived there I had seen some of the most...

I Went Forest Bathing, And It Was Profound

This past weekend, I experienced something new to me. My husband and I went on a guided nature walk entitled “forest bathing.” I knew when I read the description that this would be a fantastic experience, and it was! Before telling you about my direct experience, I will give you a bri...

Building a Random Forest by Hand in Python

From drug discovery to species classification, credit scoring to cybersecurity and more, the random forest is a popular and powerful algorithm for modeling our complex world. Its versatility and predictive prowess would seem to require cutting-edge complexity, but ...

Epoch — Unwritten Forest

In the heart of a thick rainforest, amidst towering trees and the symphony of exotic birds, a curious monkey cub was born. Let’s name it Zuri. Unlike his fellow primates, Zuri possessed a unique talent that set him different from other monkeys. As the days turned into weeks, Zuri’s ey...

Nature Meets Neon: Blending AI with Fashion in a Forest Fantasy

NEW from Vrilya AI Fashion — In my latest project, ‘Nature Meets Neon’, I sought to create a seamless blend of the natural world with avant-garde fashion, using the power of AI. Set in a forest, this series features multiple models adorned in outfits that harmonize organic t...

The Forest Essentials — Nature’s best online store

The online business Forest Essentials is a haven of tranquility and nature amid the rush and bustle of today’s fast-paced world. This virtual internet store sells a wide range of cosmetics as well as natural gems like neem and aloe vera shampoo. Together, let’s explore this fas...