Tag: Abused

The Ghost River Watershed — Loved or Abused?

When you see the mountains, like the Devil’s Head, etched into the background of a cobalt-blue sky, it is an engraving so stark, so powerful and yet so subtle that it leaves you breathless. From beneath a high viewpoint on Black Rock Mountain the Ghost River carves its way, meandering through ...

Help For Women Who Are being abused

Getting out of an abusive relationship or marriage isn’t easy, but you deserve to live free of fear. Ending a significant relationship isn’t easy. If you are trying to decide whether to stay or leave, you may be feeling confused, uncertain, and frightened. Maybe you are still hopin...

The Abused Woman

Liars take time to answer and are a lot smoother when they deceive but when people stutter, they are expressing honest emotion in the moment that it happens. So it could also be perceived as a sign of sincerity. Either way, it paints a picture of someone coming across as reactive and as Buddhist ...