Tag: Expression

A Comprehensive Guide on Common Table Expression in SQL

In programming, it’s a common practice to group instructions or statements in smaller and more manageable code blocks. This practice is usually referred as code block organisation. It’s basically breaking down a program or a large section of a program into smaller and logically conn...

Creating Art from Your Heart: Unleashing Your Inner Expression

My earliest memories are those of drawing and painting. Even in those preschool years drawing was a powerful means of self-expression for me. I didn’t know it at the time, I was just coloring then. But looking back I can remember the freedom of free coloring, doodling, and painting without lim...

Abstract Art: Breaking Boundaries and Shaping Contemporary Expression

Abstract art is an ever-evolving, dynamic, and experimental art form that has captured the attention of art enthusiasts and creators alike. With its innovative use of modern colours, brushes, and pencils, abstract art has grown to become a significant force in the contemporary art wor...

One Thousand Ways of Self-Expression

In the tapestry of life, art has always been the vibrant thread that weaves together my existence. From my earliest memories, I found solace and inspiration in painting and drawing, a passion that has guided me throughout my journey. As the youngest of eight siblings, challenges were a part of my...

From Singapore to Hong Kong to America — Three Perspectives on Freedom of Expression

Growing up in Singapore, I knew that even though we had a democratic, multi-party government, the real power laid with the People’s Action Party (PAP) — the conservative, center-right party founded by the nation’s revered late prime minister Lee Kuan Yew. To non-Singapore...

How a powerful, inspiring, and compelling vision in organizations can be an expression of love

When we think of love in the context of organizations, the first thing that may come to mind is the love that employees may have for their work or the love that customers may have for a brand. However, there is another aspect of love that is often overlooked in organizational contexts: the love that...

Exploring Coherence and Genetic Expression.

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is a marvel of nature. Comprising a double helix structure, DNA encodes the genetic information necessary for the development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. The coherence of DNA is evident not only in its structural integrity but also in the preci...

The Role of Fashion in Self-Expression and Identity

In a world where first impressions are often formed within seconds, the way we present ourselves through clothing has become a powerful means of self-expression. Fashion serves not only as a reflection of personal style but also as a tool for shaping and communicating our identities to the world. Fr...

¡Coño!: The All-Purpose Cuban Expression

I can safely say that this is my favorite Cuban word, and I say Cuban because I don’t usually hear any other nationality say it so much. But it’s the most universal piece of linguistic culture that I love to use the most. So, I welcome you aboard the emotional rollercoaster that is the C...