Tag: Extensions

Extensions in Swift

Extensions in Swift allow developers to add new functionality to existing classes and protocols without modifying their original implementation. For classes, extensions can include new methods, computed properties, and initializers, promoting code modularity. For protocols, extensions can provide de...

Create Visual Studio Extensions With C#

Most of us use Visual Studio when programming in C#. You could also use Visual Studio Code, but I prefer Visual Studio. The latest version of Visual Studio is 2022 and the community version is free to use but misses a few unimportant functions. Although Visual Studio is packed with tools and options...

9 VSCode Extensions You Can’t Ignore as a Developer

Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The same principle applies to VSCode and all the extensions inside of it. Before starting to code, you first need to make your workflow work for you. Make it more product...

Best VSCode Extensions That Every Developer Should Have (10x Productivity)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that is used by millions of developers around the world. It is a free and open-source editor that is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. VS Code is highly customizable and can be extended with a variety of extensions. Today I am going to t...

7 Unnecessary VSCode Extensions You Should Uninstall Now

The number of VSCode extensions you have installed is one of the main reasons why you might find the editor slow and power-hungry, as every new extension added increases the app’s memory and CPU usage. It’s important to keep this number as low as possible to minimize this resource consum...

5 Unity Extensions That You Will Actually Use

As a busy game developer, your time is precious, and traipsing through Unity’s asset store for quality extensions can be a daunting task. Let’s face it, a significant portion of the content available in the Asset Store is absolute belly-button lint (only interesting to whoever made it). ...

Top 10 Must-Have VS Code Extensions for Everyday Use!

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) reigns supreme as the go-to text editor, and its magic lies in its extensibility. With a wealth of vs code extensions at your fingertips, you can personalize your coding environment to suit your unique needs. Top 10 Must-Have VS Code Extensions For Everyday U...

Best 5 Chrome Extensions for Language Learning

Before we dive into the world of language-learning Chrome extensions, let’s discuss the significance of language immersion. Language immersion is a method that involves surrounding yourself with a target language, making it a part of your everyday life. This approach is known to accelerate lan...