Tag: Zombies

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

‘Zombies Ate My Neighbors’ Turns 30

Cakes and Cookies, my aunt bought me my first game console for my fifth birthday. It was the Super Nintendo, or SNES for short. I thought it was the most incredible toy in the world, and I dedicated many an afternoon to swapping cartridges and exploring different worlds through the window of my tv s...