‘Zombies Ate My Neighbors’ Turns 30

<p>Cakes and Cookies, my aunt bought me my first game console for my fifth birthday. It was the Super Nintendo, or SNES for short. I thought it was the most incredible toy in the world, and I dedicated many an afternoon to swapping cartridges and exploring different worlds through the window of my tv screen.</p> <p>Of course, my parents curtailed my time playing to reasonable increments so that my eyes wouldn&rsquo;t ooze out of my skull and my brains blacken like burning cauliflower. However, many a night had I woken up at two a.m. in our tiny apartment to pee and catch my mom bathed in television light as she button-mashed Mario through the Mushroom Kingdom.</p> <p>But my favorite game, shortbreads, was&nbsp;<em>Zombies Ate My Neighbors&nbsp;</em>(ZAMN). This game was the perfect recipe for B &mdash; movie, horror, and camp. A story of two kids, the shock blonde Zeke and the red-capped Julie, as they rescue their neighbors and town from the monsters of the Mad Scientist Doctor Tongue.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/theuglymonster/zombies-ate-my-neighbors-turns-30-ccfe54c8e94f"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>