Tag: Worldwide

Visiting One of the Most Iconic Pieces Of Street Art Worldwide

I visited Berlin for New Year's in 2019, my second time in the capital city of my home country and my first time with friends. When I read this month’s challenge, I knew exactly what I wanted to write about but had to honestly dig pretty deep to find these pictures. I look so different in ...

Hallowe’en Seasonal GiftCards Worldwide.

With these ghoulishly delightful GiftCards, you can finally say goodbye to those last-minute costume disasters. Whether you want to be a sexy vampire or a zombie prom queen, we’ve got you covered. And when your zombie prom queen tiara falls off for the tenth time, you can use your GiftCard to ...

Athens Interior Designer Thriving Despite Worldwide Shortages

In a normal calendar year, Alexa Stevenson, owner of Alexa Stevenson Interior Decoration, typically remodels one kitchen. During the summer months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stevenson redesigned five. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many small businesses closed due to reductions i...

Top 3 Reasons for the Success of Japanese Companies Worldwide:

Since, the day I became conscious about the consumer goods and product quality I have always had the curiosity to understand the reasons for the success of Japanese companies worldwide. The curiosity was growing day by day while being surrounded by all these biggest Japanese...


Worldwide Cultural Festivals! Cultural festivals serve as vibrant reflections of a society’s traditions, customs, and values. These remarkable occurrences unite individuals from various backgrounds to honor their common inheritance, displaying the variety and abundance of our international soc...