Tag: Workplaces

The Audacity of the White Savior: A Ten Point Commentary List on DEI, Privilege, and the Wasted Utility of Allyship in Tech Workplaces

Something does not simply become illogical just because you don’t understand it. It is okay to have an opinion, all the better to voice it. Your opinion can also be dangerous and weaponized, especially without corresponding information. You may or may not need to choose your words wisely...

Doing the Work to Create and Sustain More Inclusive Workplaces

Ina dynamic policy era, companies are realizing a need to examine how their workplace policies and practices can help provide stability and opportunity. Racial equity, one pillar in B Lab U.S. & Canada’s Theory of Change, requires further consideration and investment after the U.S. Su...

Survival in a toxic workplace .Some tips to help you deal with narcissist bosses:

. Develop perceptive skills: - Pay attention to others' non-verbal cues and motivations. - Adapt your communication style to different situations and people. - Understand the dynamics of influential individuals within the organization. 2. Cultivate influential abilities: - Establish your ...