Tag: worker

The augmented worker

A recent UN report concludes that while algorithms and artificial intelligence are unlikely to destroy the vast majority of jobs, many administrative posts are at risk in the short term. The report describes how the most likely scenario, at least in the short term, is that while al...

Ready Worker One: Is VR the missing piece in your work-from-home setup?

It would be ideal to work from home all the time, many of us thought, until we had to do it. For me, like many, it almost worked well. The space I had for my home office was almost big enough. But the desk was too shallow, and so my monitor was always just a little too ...

As An Ex-Sex Worker, I Feel I Need To Talk About The Gilgo Beach Killer

When I heard that the Gilgo Beach Killer got caught, I wasn’t expecting to see a face that looked oddly familiar. While I was able to confirm it was not one of the guys I used to get paid to go on dinner dates with, it looked so much like him that I felt a chill. As many of my readers know,...

The augmented worker

A recent UN report concludes that while algorithms and artificial intelligence are unlikely to destroy the vast majority of jobs, many administrative posts are at risk in the short term. The report describes how the most likely scenario, at least in the short term, is that while al...

Ready Worker One: Is VR the missing piece in your work-from-home setup?

It would be ideal to work from home all the time, many of us thought, until we had to do it. For me, like many, it almost worked well. The space I had for my home office was almost big enough. But the desk was too shallow, and so my monitor was always just a little too ...

A Hard Worker & Non-Thinker Who Taught Me About Myself

I recall working for a multinational food company a few years ago, and part of the interview process was a business aptitude test. There were several mental exercises that we had to complete as applicants and from those and your ‘on-the-job performance’, they would select the individu...

For a young tech worker: Traditional or Roth 401(k)?

The more I researched about retirement accounts, the more confusing things seemed to get. There are IRA accounts, which also offer both traditional and Roth options. There are a plethora of rules on withdrawal and income limitations, and every article offering advice tells you to speak with a financ...

Reflections of a Former Child Garment Worker — Inside the Sweatshop: Part 4

Over time, I’ve developed the opinion there is not much to brag about if you work and go to school for a prolonged period; you can only burn both ends of a candle for so long. The Honor roll blessings didn’t last long after we moved as I continued to help my parents with other endeavo...

Diary of Lagos Island Worker (3): The Regulars

Lagos is Lagos, and in my opinion, there is no better way to define Lagos other than by itself. It was the year 2006, my first year in Lagos. It was my cousin’s naming ceremony, and I was privileged to accompany my mother to the family occasion. The next time I would be in Lagos was 15 year...