Tag: Wooden

Snow Covered Roads And Wooden Pallets

Wedrove along a snowy road in an endless white field early in the morning. “Our luck there’s no wind today,” said the driver, a bald man in a black, worn puffer coat. “If there had been wind, we probably would have had to stop. Roads get dangerous during the wind in winter...

The Year of the Green Wooden Dragon: What will 2024 bring us, and who will be particularly fortunate during this time?

Only those who keep moving in the right direction can achieve their goals — they say the journey belongs to the one who walks. Success isn’t likely for those driven by selfish motives; those aiming to earn and prosper at the expense of others. Noble individuals, supporting the ...

Why The Trojan Horse Probably Wasn’t a Wooden Horse

We have been told an enormous lie for centuries and centuries, according to an Italian researcher. Have you ever heard of the Trojan Horse, the mythical trick which Odysseus had used to enter Troy? Well, it turns out that it wasn’t an actual wooden horse. Francesco Tiboni,&...

Growing Up In a House With A Wooden Fork and Spoon on the Wall

If you’re Filipino-American and you lived in a house with a large wooden fork and spoon hanging on the wall, then you can relate. I’m sure the trauma ripples through millions of households a year when you walk through your friends’ or families’ houses and see the ornaments st...