Tag: Womans

I Was Told I am Not Enough Because I’m a Woman

That is all. I want to be respected for who I am. I want to be seen as the person I am and not as the female instructor. I thought becoming a tandem instructor was going to be hard. Physically hard. To prepare myself, I went to the gym. I build up muscles that broadened my back to a siz...

A Woman’s Liberation from Authority to Autonomy

I’ve been slowly becoming an orphan these last fourteen years. I suppose most of us could say that — aren’t so many of us on that journey? For me, it’s been a little more “in my face” than I expected. My father had a stroke in early 2010, one that left him part...

The Trans Woman and Her Loving Father

When my father died, a metaphorical train hit me. My world, the world stood still. It ceased to be. People were frozen in time. He had been sick with cancer. It ravaged his body like a plague of locusts. It ate him from the inside out. The sun was shining that day, and the view from the window wa...

How I Lost My Virginity As A Transgender Woman

Regardless of the unpleasant healing process, I was ecstatic to get up every morning and put on whatever clothes I wanted. Especially thongs! After wearing a Victoria’s Secret bikini, it was time for me to conquer my next big step as a woman: have sex with a man. I had to wait at least eigh...

Exodus from Prison: A Woman’s Struggle to Start Her Life

The “Broken Hearts” rally on Valentine’s Day, 2022, when in the freezing cold about 100 people holding dozens of 40-inch-wide pink and fuscia boards with the words “85% MOTHERS” and “DON’T LEAVE WOMEN BEHIND” protested in front of City Hall for better ...

Empowered by Faith: A Christian Woman’s Journey in Medicine

In the dynamic field of medicine, where each day brings new challenges and opportunities to heal, Christian women are making their mark with unwavering faith and boundless determination. As they navigate the rigorous demands of medical education and training, these women draw strength and inspiratio...

$70 1980s Suburban Woman’s Haircut

Big, teased, and sprayed hair became a symbol of celebrity, glamor, and wealth in the 1980s. The style countered the hippy culture looks of the 1970s, long and straight and parted in the middle, just like Peggy Lipton from the Mod Squad. It also arguably appropriated the 1960s and 1970s freestyles s...