Tag: Withdrawal

What You Need to Know About Medication Withdrawal

“Hey, I don’t use street drugs, why would I have to worry about withdrawal?” Millions of Americans, if they even consider the topic, probably hold similar thoughts. But tens of millions of Americans this year faced involuntary interruptions of their medication supplies. Whether you...

First Person: Opioid Withdrawal

I am physically dependent on opioids after being prescribed three-day patches for post-operative pain. My surgery was no trifle: it was between three and four hours, and involved my cervical spine. I also require a great deal of physical therapy to get back on my feet, as well as good sleep, and non...

Opiate Withdrawal Timeline, Symptoms and Treatment

Opiate withdrawal can be really an agonizing experience. For the uninitiated, opiates are a class of painkillers which are commonly prescribed for the management of pain. However, the opiate is a wider term and is also used for the narcotic drugs like heroin. A person habitual to opiates can ex...

The Addiction Withdrawal Timeline

If you have substance use disorder or suffer from alcoholism but want to stop drinking or using drugs, you may have thought about stopping cold turkey. That’s when you abruptly stop using the substance you’re addicted to. While it is commendable to want to quit drinking or using drugs, t...