First Person: Opioid Withdrawal

<p>I am physically dependent on opioids after being prescribed three-day patches for post-operative pain. My surgery was no trifle: it was between three and four hours, and involved my cervical spine. I also require a great deal of physical therapy to get back on my feet, as well as good sleep, and none of that was possible without controlling my post-operative pain.</p> <p>Pain control doesn&rsquo;t seem as fine grained in Europe as it is in America. After getting no relief from Tramadol/Paracetamol, my doctor went to a 21 day supply of 25 mcg/hr Fentanyl. That was a lot of opioid, more than I wanted, but at least I could do physical therapy and sleep.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>