Tag: Whatever

The Political Meme Absolutely Everyone Loves Because It Backs Up Whatever You Want To Believe

You’ve seen many versions of the meme: It shows a stereotypically ’50s-looking family and claims one breadwinner (Dad, of course) could comfortably support the whole family, providing a nice house, a decent car, a vacation every year and college for the kids. It’s not strictly t...

You can Be whatever you Want to Be

If you’re reading this and think I’m wrong. Society has succeeded in its demolition operation. Taking everything and leaving you nothing. Taking away your ability to dream and wonder. Sucking out all your individuality, turning it into an innocuous moving force. Taking away what mak...

You can Be whatever you Want to Be

If you’re reading this and think I’m wrong. Society has succeeded in its demolition operation. Taking everything and leaving you nothing. Taking away your ability to dream and wonder. Sucking out all your individuality, turning it into an innocuous moving force. Taking away what mak...

Whatever You Think Climate Change Will Be Like, You’re Wrong

The other day, I was thinking back to what it was like in the middle of March 2020. By that point, the COVID (or, as we called it back then, novel coronavirus) pandemic had broken loose in China and started to spread to other countries. There were reports of cruise ships in Japan, possible cases on ...