You can Be whatever you Want to Be

<p>If you&rsquo;re reading this and think I&rsquo;m wrong.<br /> Society has succeeded in its demolition operation.<br /> Taking everything and leaving you nothing.<br /> Taking away your ability to dream and wonder.<br /> Sucking out all your individuality, turning it into an innocuous moving force.<br /> Taking away what makes you human: your freedom to hope.</p> <p>This society is a great force.<br /> Its aim is to make you live your life as a spectator.<br /> It needs your strength to feed its own.<br /> To accept your destiny rather than build it.<br /> It pushes each of us to be a sailor on a gigantic ship.<br /> A ship so big we can&rsquo;t even see the sea, or the world around us.<br /> Our role is to maintain this cursed galley. To row, to repair.<br /> Forced to go where she wants to go.</p> <p>When you think you can&rsquo;t be what you want to be.<br /> That you&rsquo;re forced to be this sailor lost in the middle of a sea: society has succeeded.<br /> You&rsquo;re no longer part of the world but only of the crew of this boat.<br /> You can no longer fight,<br /> You feel trapped, no way out.<br /> You watch the other sailors redouble their efforts to keep this boat boat alive.<br /> You convince yourself this is your place.</p> <p>The first step is to become aware.<br /> You are on the boat.<br /> You are not the boat.<br /> Because sailors think they can&rsquo;t escape doesn&rsquo;t mean you can&rsquo;t.<br /> Believing you can&rsquo;t is believing what they need you to believe.<br /> That you&rsquo;re an inoffensive being, incapable even of choosing how you want to live.</p> <p>This first step is important.<br /> <strong>As long as you don&rsquo;t believe you can do something, you can&rsquo;t do it.</strong><br /> You need to light that little flame that will change everything. It may be tiny, but as soon as it&rsquo;s lit, the little fire can be tapped&hellip; and turned into a blazing inferno. The end of this first step is to get off the boat. And hoist our sail.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Whatever