#101 magma™ “THE WAREHOUSE”

“Before you Dream, you Create, before you Build, you Plan, Before you Fly, you build your Warehouse, Before you explore the Cosmos, you build and Create the StarShip of your Dreams.” “This is not an easy subject to teach, so we will learn how to teach it to ourselves… ver...

Fear Is a Swallow in a Boarded-Up Warehouse

The alert tone startled me as I sipped lukewarm coffee in my patrol car. It was almost 3 AM, and the radio had been quiet for some time. After the alert tone, the dispatcher’s voice reported an alarm at the only gun shop in town. I poured my coffee out the window and sped toward the gun ...

Fear Is a Swallow in a Boarded-Up Warehouse

The alert tone startled me as I sipped lukewarm coffee in my patrol car. It was almost 3 AM, and the radio had been quiet for some time. After the alert tone, the dispatcher’s voice reported an alarm at the only gun shop in town. I poured my coffee out the window and sped toward the gun ...

Reduce Warehouse Space with the Pareto Principle using Python

Learn how to apply the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule, to optimize your warehouse space and improve picking productivity with Python. Developed by Vilfredo Pareto to describe the distribution of wealth, this principle can be generalized to various applications, including logistics management. ...

7 UX Design Best Practices for Warehouse Mobile Apps

While companies frequently invest significantly in customer-facing apps, the design of internal apps is often overlooked. This oversight results in compromised employee satisfaction and operational inefficiencies. In departments where employees extensively use internal apps, such as those in ware...

Unlocking Efficiency: The Hidden Power of Warehouse Management Systems

In today’s digital age, where efficiency is the key to success, Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) have emerged as the unsung heroes of modern businesses. These systems offer a myriad of advantages that go beyond organizing stock, transforming operations from the ground up. Let’s explore...

The Future of Warehouse Management: Seamless Integration for Enhanced Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying competitive requires continuous improvement and efficiency enhancement. A significant advancement in the logistics sector is the integration of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) with order automation systems. In this blog, we’ll ex...