#101 magma™ “THE WAREHOUSE”

<p><em>&ldquo;Before you Dream, you Create, before you Build, you Plan, Before you Fly, you build your Warehouse, Before you explore the Cosmos, you build and Create the StarShip of your Dreams.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>&ldquo;<em>This is not an easy subject to teach, so we will learn how to teach it to ourselves&hellip; very slowly. By learning how to teach it, we will create-how to build it.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:120/0*566BpnTvz_feW_rK.png" style="height:105px; width:120px" /></p> <p>SKYROCK STARTRADE&trade; &copy; 2023</p> <p>Welcome to magma&trade; &mdash; THIS particular story and all of them in the series is currently [work in progress] and you may find errors in them. Please point them out, it&rsquo;ll help us focus on fixing them.</p> <p>We, at magma&trade; are in the exciting creative process of building this course and look forward to your feed back. The course will contain approximately eight to twelve lectures focusing on how to learn through practice and repetition; rather than just lecture time, we will build assets (parts); piece by piece, creating (modules) which in turn, will also teach us how to put the object programming structure together piece by piece. Until we have the whole game (system) running smoothly.</p> <p>These are live documents which chronicle our Corporate Journal Entries; and they are geared towards documenting the progress of our processes. Please check back or subscribe to get notifications, as daily changes are made. &mdash; Thank you for your support; we love your well thought of and constructive feedback[.]</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@machineworkstation03/101-magma-the-warehouse-aa7f6e0b19c4"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>