Tag: Wake

Every Day as you Wake, Say these Words from the Dalai Lama.

There were 100 students, and each morning, before our first meditation session, we said these words out loud together. For many of us, reciting anything in the morning wasn’t part of our usual routine. We might peek through our phones, have coffee, or run straight to work. The first time ou...

Wake Up

There is no where to hide Denial is not an option Winds of change At first gently prodding my body and mind Awakening my senses Which have lain dormant in a protective cocoon Self preservation from the numbing busyness And noise of modern existence No longer an acceptable excuse Now the a...

How To Wake Up at 5 A.M. Every Day

I thought I was destined to be a night owl forever. I’m no stranger to reading about the benefits of waking up early or having the same sleeping routine — all of us have probably read this at some point in our lives. I’m in my final semester of university, so the past few years ...

How To Wake Up at 5 A.M. Every Day

I thought I was destined to be a night owl forever. I’m no stranger to reading about the benefits of waking up early or having the same sleeping routine — all of us have probably read this at some point in our lives. I’m in my final semester of university, so the past few years ...