Wake Up

<p>There is no where to hide<br /> Denial is not an option<br /> Winds of change<br /> At first gently prodding my body and mind<br /> Awakening my senses<br /> Which have lain dormant in a protective cocoon<br /> Self preservation from the numbing busyness<br /> And noise of modern existence<br /> No longer an acceptable excuse</p> <p>Now the air flows assume hurricane strength<br /> Battering against my defenses built up over a lifetime<br /> Until they collapse<br /> Avoidance can only be seen as cowardice<br /> Look around<br /> Another &ldquo;holy&rdquo; war in the Ukraine<br /> As a proxy for our separateness-righteousness<br /> The world takes sides<br /> As weapons of destruction rain down on innocents and combatants alike<br /> Homes gone<br /> Infrastructure in ruin<br /> Leaving physical and mental wounds<br /> That will take generations to heal</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/weeds-wildflowers/wake-up-212e7539e7f4">Read More</a></p>
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