Tag: Virgo

Virgo Horoscope for February 2024

Dear Virgo, as February unfolds, the cosmic energies invite you to embark on a journey of self-reflection, organization, and practical pursuits. This month, the universe encourages you to bring order to the chaos and focus on refining your skills and personal goals. Embrace the energy of precision a...

The Eccentric Spiritual Anatomy of a Double Virgo

Have you ever thought the fault was in your stars? I know I have. I’m the rarest form of Virgo—a “double Virgo” with both my sun and ascendant, the rising sign, in Virgo. The stars’ alignment at the time of my birth means there’s no discrepancy between my inner...

Want to Wrap a Virgo Around Your Finger? I’ve Got You Covered

We’re continuing this wonderful astrological series with yet another Mercurial native, which is Virgo, of course! As I too am a child from Mercury, this is one of the signs that is very near and dear to my heart. We share a sort of sibling-like bond. That is why it is my absolute pleas...

North Node in Virgo— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, the North Node in Virgo represents a point in your natal chart that signifies your soul’s evolutionary path and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime. The North Node is always directly opposite the South Node and together they form the Lunar Nodes. While the South N...

Virgo Horoscope for February 2024

Dear Virgo, as February unfolds, the cosmic energies invite you to embark on a journey of self-reflection, organization, and practical pursuits. This month, the universe encourages you to bring order to the chaos and focus on refining your skills and personal goals. Embrace the energy of precision a...


The planet in fall or in detriment is in a very difficult placement because the nature of the sign where the planet is situated, is totally different from the nature of the planet, and that’s why it cannot use its full power. We can compare it to a situation when we are travelling through a co...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo to Libra

Moon transiting Virgo to Libra, Tuesday, January 2nd, could reveal something surprising about your dormant skills, inborn talents, or untested power, as the moon forms trine aspects to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as a T-square aspect pattern with Mercury conjunct Mar...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Virgo

Moon transiting Virgo, Sunday, December 31st, brings a feeling that the new year ahead will be successful on the material level as the moon forms a Grand Trine in the earth element with Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter — no longer retrograde — in Taurus. It is certainly an auspicious ener...

full moon virgo in the leap year portal

invisible forces twist your brain handshake with truth, until you shy away some of us stay, ruthless and cunning venetian guesswork from a ray of light shadows among the particles divine wisdom at night spectors of lust on blasted hands Read More