<p>The planet in fall or in detriment is in a very difficult placement because the nature of the sign where the planet is situated, is totally different from the nature of the planet, and that&rsquo;s why it cannot use its full power. We can compare it to a situation when we are travelling through a country that we don&rsquo;t like and we don&rsquo;t feel safe there. We don&rsquo;t speak the language used in that country, we know nothing about the culture of that place and for some reason we look strange. We intuitively feel that the local people don&rsquo;t like us, so we would like to disappear from that country as soon as possible, but we cannot. We have to stay and try to organise our life there. We have to get used to the fact that we don&rsquo;t fit in there, we have to learn the local language and respect the local tradition. Even though it&rsquo;s very difficult, we know that we have no choice and we have to do it, otherwise we won&rsquo;t survive.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Venus Virgo