Tag: Vehicles

Electric Vehicles Have a Problem

Electric vehicles are expected to take the world by storm. Europe is anticipating the takeover will be in full swing by 2030, while the U.S. has a similarly-ambitious plan of banning combustion engines by 2035. But there’s a problem: they aren’t really selling. Sure, Tesla is seeing h...

The Impending Grid Crisis: The Strain of Electric Vehicles

The rapid rise in electric vehicle (EV) adoption has been hailed as a significant step towards a greener future. However, beneath the shiny veneer of eco-conscious transportation lies a pressing issue - the burden placed on our already stressed power grid. While EVs promise a cleaner future, the exi...

Vehicles and Creatures: Navigating the Imagined Worlds of Desar Yuartha and Made Blez

From the pages of comics to the frames of animated films, vehicles and creatures serve as the engines and wings that propel narratives forward. Whether they’re in the role of heroes or villains, these elements come in a diverse array of shapes and sizes, each uniquely designed with special fea...

Hands Down, The Best Bug Out Vehicles, Period.

The Toyota 4Runner 4x4 has been a top SUV for decades. Best in its class year after year. This thing is durable, as in hard to kill. No other SUV has a cult following like the 4Runner. The older the better. Right now, first and second generation 4Runners are commanding serious dollars across the cou...

Are Electric Vehicles Definitely Better For The Climate?

Reduced Emissions: Electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions. They don’t burn fossil fuels directly, which means they don’t emit pollutants like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and other harmful gases that contribute to air pollution and clim...

Why must electric vehicles be the answer?

When looking over the technology horizon and searching for the next innovation, a useful guide is to list the current psychological inertia. This inertia describes those unchallenged assumptions that protect the current solution. A psychological inertial will hide all of the unquestioned beliefs abo...

What does the presence of self-driving vehicles say about a city?

Despite setbacks by companies that have tried to rush development, self-driving vehicle technology continues to move forward, raising questions about how we should manage and regulate autonomous cars. In several cities in California, Arizona or Texas, the sight of vehicles moving through traffic ...

Five aspects to consider about why autonomous vehicles will catch on (soon)

It is not a secret that I am particularly open and enthusiastic about autonomous driving, seeing it not merely as a technological marvel but as a transformative force poised to redefine our relationship with transportation. Drawing inspiration from an article I recently read on Linkedin by Marlyn...

Detecting vehicles using machine learning and computer vision

In order to detect a car on the image, we need to identify feature(s) which uniquely represent a car. We could try using simple template matching or relaying on color features but these methods are not robust enough when it comes to changing perspectives and shapes of the object. In ord...

In vivo human T cell engineering with enveloped delivery vehicles

The paper presents a new delivery system called Cas9-enveloped delivery vehicles (Cas9-EDVs) to target and edit genes in specific human cell types in vivo. Cas9-EDVs are virus-like particles that can package and deliver pre-assembled Cas9 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) for gene editing. They display both...