What does the presence of self-driving vehicles say about a city?

<p>Despite setbacks by companies that have tried to rush development, self-driving vehicle technology continues to move forward, raising questions about how we should manage and regulate autonomous cars.</p> <p>In several cities in California, Arizona or Texas, the sight of vehicles moving through traffic without a driver behind the wheel is a part of everyday life. So far, everything indicates that these vehicles are extremely safe: they have caused traffic jams when they have stopped where they shouldn&rsquo;t, they have entered construction sites or reacted erratically under certain circumstances, but the vast majority of the accidents, with a few exceptions, have not involved any kind of injury.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/enrique-dans/what-does-the-presence-of-self-driving-vehicles-say-about-a-city-34fa27877c49"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>