Tag: Vedic

A Rig Vedic Account Of How The Universe Was Created

The Rig Veda, considered the oldest of the four Vedas in Hindu scriptures, is believed to date back to the late Bronze Age, making it one of the world’s oldest religious (spiritual mostly and less of religion) texts still in use. Its composition is generally dated between 1500 and 1200 BCE, wi...

Discover Your Vedic Personality: Understanding the Concept of Varna

varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”) once invited speculation that class distinctions were originally based on differences in degree of skin pigmentation between an alleged gr...

Vedic Units of Time— Explained

The different timelines in Hinduism are quite complex and the numbers involved are so massive that it’s difficult to comprehend the mass magnitude it represents. So, this is my attempt at breaking down this convoluted time frame as described by the Vedas. So, according to Vedic philosop...

Demystifying the Vedic Varnas

Rigveda has only one mention of the caste system in one piece of a hymn called Purusha Shukta which, as per contemporary philosophers is a later manipulation. The controversial hymn does not discriminate or say anything which creates any concern, but still, the mention of four castes is there. Sansk...

My Best 15 Vedic Mantras

“Aham Brahmasmi” — This famous Vedic mantra means “I am Brahman,” indicating the realization of one’s true nature as the ultimate reality, the Supreme Self or Brahman. “Tat Tvam Asi” — Another well-known Vedic mantra, it means “Thou ar...

Navamsha in Vedic Astrology

While the Lagna Chart (D-1 chart) is based on the actual position of the planets, the zodiac signs (rashi) and the Nakshatra for a person born at a given time and a place of birth, the Navamsa (D-9 chart) is derived mathematically from the Lagna Chart (D-1 chart) by dividing each zodiac sign which...

A Rig Vedic Account Of How The Universe Was Created

The Rig Veda, considered the oldest of the four Vedas in Hindu scriptures, is believed to date back to the late Bronze Age, making it one of the world’s oldest religious (spiritual mostly and less of religion) texts still in use. Its composition is generally dated between 1500 and 1200 BCE, wi...