Vedic Units of Time— Explained

<p>The different timelines in Hinduism are quite complex and the numbers involved are so massive that it&rsquo;s difficult to comprehend the mass magnitude it represents. So, this is my attempt at breaking down this convoluted time frame as described by the Vedas.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*MQGDWI9Rr-MdKix2UgXgzA.png" style="height:500px; width:333px" /></p> <p>So, according to Vedic philosophy, the universe comprises a total of four Yugas &mdash; Satya Yug, Treta Yug, Dvapara Yug, and Kali Yug. These yugas are calculated to be in the ratio of&nbsp;<strong>4:3:2:1&nbsp;</strong>respectively<strong>,</strong>&nbsp;and the value of Kali yuga is said to be&nbsp;<strong>4,32,000</strong>&nbsp;years.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vedic Units