Tag: Vanilla

Tutorial: Simple Search Filter with Vanilla JavaScript

Allowing users to filter a large list of items on a website in realtime without reloading the page is one of those things that seems harder than it is, but once you know how it works, it’s actually quite simple, and it’s an excellent feature to have in your front-end developer tool belt ...

Building a Dynamic Sticky Note App with HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and API

In this article, we are going to learn how to build a sticky note app using html/css and javascript. We’re going to store the notes in Api and getting the notes from api for display in the screen. Here are four steps we will follow to build sticky note app: 1. Set up html structure and css...

Stop Creating Boring Vanilla Plots — Use Matplotlib Annotations Instead

Every single tutorial or course I took did not care to spend more than 5 minutes explaining annotations in Matplotlib. If I googled the topic, the first 5–6 links are from Matplotlib documentation; the rest are just slightly altered versions of it. I found this frustrating because I was not...

A Vanilla Wafer in a Milky Way World

I was born, first. It has always amazed me the miracle of birth isn’t so hard to execute; even starting the process — copulation — is way too easy; moving out the slip-‘n-slide birth canal — at least for the vast majority of squirming masses (although I admit, for ...

RECIPE — What’s The Real Difference Between Vanilla And French Vanilla?

You call that an article on vanilla vs French vanilla? It’s as bland as plain vanilla ice cream! Let me show you how it’s done. First of all, let’s clear up the confusion. Vanilla is the classic flavor derived from the vanilla bean, while French vanilla takes it up a notch with ...